65 Sackville Road • Hove • East Sussex • BN3 3WE above Whitlock & Heaps
07539 466784 • 01273 082664

Fat Dissolving
Areas That Can
Be Improved
Treatment Summary

Lemon Bottle Brighton at 3D Lipo Brighton is here by the overwhelming interest our clients have shown. With so much interest in fat dissolving injections we looked into what was the best that we could find. Like all our treatments we want to give you minimal downtime, natural looking results with great effectiveness after just one treatment.
Lemon Bottle is taking over TikTok and social media as the new fat dissolving solution which involves quick and painless injections of its unique formula at targeted areas of fat on your body. Safe and non-invasive, Lemon Bottle is loved for its remarkable and rapid results with no down time.

Procedure time
Up To 30 Minutes
Per Treatment

Full Recovery

Sensitivity Period
Up To 2 Hours

Back To Work


Visibile Results

Risk & Complications
Possible Redness and Numbness

Duration Of Results
Long Term Results
What is Lemon Bottle for?
Lemon Bottle is a revolutionary new fat dissolving solution which involves quick and painless injections of its innovative formula at targeted areas of fat on the body which won’t budge despite dietary changes and exercise. Safe and non-invasive, Lemon Bottle is loved for its remarkable and rapid results with no down-time required.
Lemon Bottle works best on smaller, more targeted treatment areas, including:
Face (jawline, double chin, jowls)
Arms (‘bingo wings’)
Abdomen/Tummy & Flanks (stubborn belly fat, love handles)
Back fat / bra fat
Thighs (inner and outer thighs & 'banana' - below the bum, top of thigh)
How does Lemon Bottle work?
Lemon Bottle is a form of lipolysis treatment. ‘Lipolysis’ means the breakdown of fats by a process called hydrolysis, a term which covers the release of fatty acids. This is why you’ll often find the terminology ‘melting’ or ‘dissolving’ used to describe these types of treatments – as they physically destroy fat cells from the inside out through triggering natural chemical processes which occur organically within the body.
Like our other treatments, Lemon Bottle is not a weight loss solution – this is fat removal and destruction. Like with cryolipolysis Lemon Bottle is best suited for people close to their ideal body shape and weight and for those who are maintaining a healthy diet and exercise regime, but are struggling with stubbornpockets of fat in certain areas.
Lemon Bottle’s solution is popular because it is highly effective and it’s comprised of natural active ingredients. These include:
Bromelain – Derived from pineapples, Bromelain is a powerful digestive enzyme which is often used in anti-obesity medications. It triggers fat breakdown whilst also having a powerful anti-inflammatory effect which reduces swelling and puffiness.
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) – Riboflavin plays an essential role in turning carbohydrates, proteins and fats into energy in the body. The body can’t store much of this water-soluble vitamin, but it is crucial for fat metabolism and oxidation.
Lecithin – A naturally derived fatty substance which attracts both water and fats – reducing cholesterol and maintaining healthy arteries, veins and blood vessels.
During treatment, Lemon Bottle’s advanced solution is injected into the fatty deposit area. It then gets to work under the skin, breaking down the stubborn fat wall before breaking down each fat cell, turning the fat into fatty acid. This is then taken care of by the body’s natural waste removal processes and will be flushed out of the body every time you urinate. This is why water intake needs to be at least two litres a day after treatment to help flush the fatty acid out quicker.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many treatments are recommended?
This is dependant on the client but at least two
What Results Can I Expect from this treatment?
Results vary from what are is being treated but can be seen from as little as 24 hours to 7 days
Can I combine Lemon Bottle with other 3D treatments?
Yes! Adding Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolving to your Radio Frequency fat melting treatment will accelerate results, cutting time to reach your ideal shape. With Cavitation we have to tailor a course and timescales to suit you and your treatment.
Due to the technology involved treatments can not be used whilst pregnant, recently giving birth or breast feeding. Those with heart condition including a pacemaker, thrombosis or thrombophlebitis, history of cancer, diabetes or epilepsy. Those on anticoagulant medication, skin thinning medication or auto immune conditions. Further restrictions may apply and we ask that you answer our questions honestly when booking your consultation to be able to give you a first class service.